Welcome to our list of Historic Redditch Sites.

The Sites and Buildings referenced here fall into two categories.

The listed sites and buildings are those that are so categorised by English Heritage and are cross referenced to the English Heritage site.

This list of sites and buildings significant to Redditch is more subjective,  These are not buildings, indeed some no longer exist and we may have an empty site or a more modern building in its place.  What they have in common is that they are part of Redditch’s history and heritage. The details presented included some of the listed sites where we have additional local information about the site and its history.

This list and some of its contents draws upon work initially done by Redditch Borough Council. What we are attempting is to build upon that work and add the history of the site to the significance statements already established. This we hope takes it from the cold, scientific view to the personal view to which everyone can relate.

A building may qualify for listing for one or more of the following reasons:

Authenticity - Age and rarity are relevant considerations, particularly where buildings or structures are proposed for inclusion in the schedule on the strength of their historic interest. The older a building is, the fewer the surviving examples of its kind, the more likely it is to be of historic importance. Degree of alteration will influence selection. Any alterations should not have fundamentally damaged the integrity of the building and it should be possible to reverse them relatively easily.

Historic Significance - Buildings or structures which illustrate important aspects of local, social, economic, cultural or military history, or are associated with locally or nationally important people or  events.

Architectural Significance - Buildings or structures of interest for their design, decoration or craftsmanship or are important examples of particular building types or techniques, (e.g. buildings displaying particular technological innovation or virtuosity) or significant plan forms. The external appearance of a building - both its intrinsic architectural merit and any group value - is a key consideration, but the special interest of a building will not always be reflected in obvious visual quality.

If you have any details, photos or history about the building listed please let us know. We also would welcome the nomination of other buildings which you believe meet the above criteria.