
The Cedars, Cedar Park Road, Batchley

Grid Reference:    

SP 0357 6787


Farmhouse, remodelled c.1840 for Samuel Allcock, the fishing-tackle manufacturer and converted to a nursing home mid 20th century with subsequent alterations and additions. Snecked sandstone and fishscale - tiled roofs with pierced and scalloped bargeboards and pendant finials at gable ends. Large grouped chimneystacks at sides and rear. Two storeys and attic. Irregular plan with multi-gabled frontage including shallow wings of different widths at ends. Windows have hoodmoulds with headstops and are mainly cross casements. Hipped bay windows to outer wings. Gabled porch to right of centre has entrance with four-centred arched head and hoodmould with shield in gable apex. Large modern extension at left end and single-storey modern extension to right. Converted outbuildings to rear.  


Building is Grade II listed  


This building........