
The Railway Inn,

Hewell Road

Grid Reference:    

SP 0383 6787


Public House. 1938 by Cecil E.M. Filimore of Birmingham. Rendered brick on brick plinth with some decorative timber framing. Plain tiled, partly hipped roof with grouped chimneystacks. Wedge-shaped plan to fit into the curve of the street. Main frontage of 3:1:2 bays. 2 storeys with stone sill band to ground-floor windows. Picturesque mock Tudor style. Irregular fenestration. Leaded casements with brick surrounds. Full-height gabled porch bay breaks forward to right of centre with decorative timberwork and herringbone brickwork. Porch at base with half-glazed doors within. Additional steeply-gabled brick and timber porch in second bay, and further entrance in sixth bay. .


A modest but typical inter-war public house that is little altered and contributes to the street scene


This building........